memoQ blog


Peter Reynolds
Peter Reynolds - 01/05/2014

2 minute read

I am not sure whether to believe the rumours but Twitter is supposed to be installing extra servers to cope with the traffic from memoQfest 2014 which next week take place for the sixth time in Budapest.

memoQfest starts with master-classes on Wednesday. These will be given by the three founders of Kilgray. One master-class focuses on project managers and other is for translators. The conference starts with two presentations from Hungarian software companies making a name for themselves as leading software providers in their field. The first will have Kilgray CEO, István Lengyel talk about what we have been doing for the last year and our future plans. The second Hungarian software company is Prezzi who are now one of the most talked about start-ups in the world. Szabolcs Varga of Prezzi will be talking about their astonishing success story.


On Thursday morning we have Richard Brooks and Agnieszka Animucka give a presentation called “Create value with bespoke assets management”, Sameh Ragab talk about “Challenging the Challenge: Improving Quality, Raising Standards (IQRS)”, Marek Pawelec present “What does this button do?” and Thomas Imhof present “A week in the life of a language technology consultant”.

The afternoon will feature the integration showcase where Kilgray partners will explain how their tools integrate with memoQ. Later Anne-Marie Colliander Lind will talk about “How to make best use of Social Media in the #xl8 industry - let's tweet about it!”. Anne-Marie has been one of the most prolific tweeters from previous memoQfest and you will be able to follow her and the rest of the conference by following #memoQfest. This will followed by a presentation called “改善 - a journey of discovery”. You probably already know 改善 (Kaizen) is a Japanese management philosophy that focusses on continuous learning. After Daniel Zielinski and Martin Beuster’s presentation you will know a lot more about it.

memoQfest is also famous for great networking and there are some wonderful events planned this year. The conference dinner takes place in Budapest Castle on Thursday evening and there is a Danube cruise on the Wednesday.

I have absolutely no information to give you on Mónika Antunovics and Ágnes Varga’s presentation on Friday morning other then it will include demos of memoQ 2014. If there is something you do not know about the new release we have got together some of its architects to answer your questions immediately following this.

On Friday Balázs Kis will talk about “Using Language Terminal to manage your work”, Paul Walentynowicz will present “The smaller the print, the bigger the issue – Language Service Providers at risk”, Juliet Macan will give a presentation called “Do you know”, Indra Sāmīte and Peter Reynolds will present “Welcome to Multilingual Terminology Services in the Cloud!” and Ágnes Gazsó will present “Thinking out of the toolbox, or, a comedy of errors”.

The final session of the conference is when those hard working and much abused memoQ user take revenge on Kilgray. memoQfest is probably the only user conference in the world which has a session called “The User Strikes Back!” and where people with strong opinions are encouraged to say what they really think rather than being nice. If any of Kilgray’s competitors are in Budapest next Friday they are strongly encouraged to pop into The Gundell where they will cheered by users attacking the Kilgray team. There is one other rumour which cannot be confirmed as we post this blog. However, it happened last year and happened the year before as is indeed traditional. We fully expect István to get a haircut ahead of the conference.

See you in Budapest and if not there follow #memoqfest.

Peter Reynolds

Peter Reynolds

memoQ co-CEO

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