If you are considering memoQ for your organization, here we offer answers to the most frequently asked questions you and your team may have.
1. How can I train my team to use memoQ?
If you are a project manager and would like to get your team on board with memoQ, the easiest way to get started is to take the 10-module online training session on our e-learning platform. You can also suggest them to watch an introductory webinar session or browse through our online help.
Still, for every customer we also offer dedicated training: Our professional services team can assess your team’s needs and create tailored onboarding sessions, addressing your particular workflows and pain points. However, that is a paid service, and you need to book an appointment with our team in advance.
2. Can I integrate memoQ to other systems?
You can integrate memoQ to many different third-party systems, whether it is a CMS, machine translation engine, business management system, an external database or an online repository for translatable content. memoQ also allows you to develop custom integrations through its API’s or to access data on the system through its extension points.
Learn more here:
- Overview of integrations
- The memoQ APIs
- Extension points
3. Is memoQ compatible with other translation environments?
memoQ is compatible with most other translation tools. You can import, translate and export the proprietary files of other translation tools as well as use standards aimed to improve compatibility.
4. What languages and file formats does memoQ support?
memoQ supports over 100 languages, and most document formats you can think of. See a detailed list of supported languages and file formats.
5. Does memoQ integrate with machine translation?
memoQ does not have its own machine translation engine but it is connected to more than 15 MT engines through plugins.
6. Does memoQ also allow managing terminology?
Proper terminology is crucial to translation quality, whether you are working with marketing, legal, finance texts or games! The right words need to be in the right place and used consistently.
In memoQ, the termbase is an integrated module within the tool. Translators can import existing glossaries to leverage them during translation or easily add terminology as they translate. memoQ also allows to mark terms as forbidden or even combine several bilingual glossaries into multilingual ones.
For organizations where terminology is a big asset, memoQ cloud and memoQ server offer the possibility to connect to a special system called QTerm, a piece of software used for storing, managing and sharing terminology in your organization. With QTerm, companies and organizations can turn their terminology into a corporate asset that facilitates internal and external communication, increases brand awareness, improves the quality of technical communication, and cuts the costs of terminology-related efforts and reduces misunderstandings.
Find a detailed compatibility list here.
7. How does support work?
Providing first-class industry support is one of the cornerstones of our organization and our way of placing our customers at the center of everything we do. Our team of support engineers works around-the-clock every weekday to assist you with technical requests and inquiries.
One of the best things about our support service is how easy it is to reach our technical team. It can be done through a simple ticketing system on our website, or via email at support@memoq.com.
8. Can I install memoQ on a Mac?
memoQ does not offer a native Mac application. Even if you can install memoQ translator pro on your Mac computer using a virtual machine, it is not recommended to deploy memoQ server in an organization using Mac OS.
9. Can I work in a Web Browser?
Your team can work online using memoQWeb, the online working environment for project managers, translators or reviewers. memoQWeb comes with either memoQ cloud or memoQ server, and it allows your translators to work on your projects without the need to install memoQ on your computer.
10. How can memoQ help me save translation costs?
We like to think of memoQ as the driving tool in your organization’s effort for going global. Above all, we want you to feel that localization is not a cost, but rather an investment that opens up new possibilities. Of course, investments are never worth if you can’t get them back in terms of new revenue, and nobody knows this better than our customers.
If you are already spending on localization, then memoQ will help you spend smarter. Our state-of-the-art translation memory will assure you don’t pay identical or similar translations twice, and terminology management will allow your organization to optimize translation efforts. But it doesn’t end there: Your project managers will be able to create almost any report that you need, to have a clear overview of the entire translation process.
Not very long ago, we surveyed more than 50 customers to understand how memoQ brings ROI into their business. In that survey, a big percentage confirmed that there is an overall reduction in translation costs, mainly thanks to advanced translation memory technology.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.