Being a project manager – no matter what industry you’re in – might just be one of the toughest jobs there is.
It’s a 24/7 juggling act. If you’re not initiating a project, you’re planning the next one. Or executing one project while monitoring and controlling another. And when one project ends, well, numerous others are still active. As we said, it’s a 24/7 juggling act.
It’s hard to catch a break – and even harder to find the right tools to manage the workflow.
Enter memoQWeb user interface. Is it going to make juggling all those projects easier? Absolutely. And here’s why.
1. They know they’ll get the info they need when they need it.
Imagine you’re a project manager. Someone’s missed a deadline, which has a knock-on effect on another deadline, which has a knock-on effect on another, etc, etc. Before you know it, things spiral out of control. If only you’d known sooner…With memoQWeb’s user interface, project managers will be able to see alerts and react in a timely manner, ensuring projects are not unnecessarily delayed and deadlines are not missed.
2. They can see the progress of projects at a glance.
Information is the key to winning the project management game. You need everything laid out right there in front of you, easy to view, easy to sort, easy to filter.
3. They know it’s easy to archive completed projects.
Ahh, there’s nothing more satisfying than when a job is in green and is 100% done. One more thing to do and you can move on: archiving. memoQWeb makes that a breeze. The interface is intuitive and couldn’t be easier to navigate.
4. They know UI/UX is always improving.
For every release, we look at our users’ “wishlists” – what are the things they want the most from memoQ? How can we make things even better? For memoQ 9.3, we have made functionality that was once only available on desktop also available on the web-based versions. That includes the ability to import term bases from XLSX files as well as web-exclusive live previews when users set importable columns and their meanings in the term bases (TBs).
5. They know we never settle.
No sooner do we release a new version of memoQ than we get working on the next one. Just as you’re constantly striving to improve things, so are we.
6. They know we listen to them.
Without user feedback we wouldn’t be able to keep making the enhancements to memoQ that we do. We actively encourage users to let us know what they think, what they’d like to see and any suggestions they have. After all, they are the ones who arguably know our product best.
7. They know things are only going to get better.
We’re already plotting ways to improve UI/UX and will be sharing news of those improvements really soon. This summer, in fact. But until then, our users can rest easy knowing we’re not resting easy. Whatever it takes to make one of the most-demanding jobs around go a little smoother.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.