Just think of it, sitting out on a veranda on the evening of the last day of January sipping a cocktail. You have had a very interesting, enjoyable, and fruitful first day of memoQfest USA and you are relaxing enjoying the warm Texas sun with new friends.
Look at what you would be missing – Those weather forecasts where they give a ‘feels like’ temperature which is 15 degrees below the already awful actual temperature, having to shovel several feet of snow from your path for the fourteenth time that month, and of course you would miss trying out your theories on how to start your car in winter.
All this new ideas stuff is overrated. If you go to memoQfest USA you will learn, you will get ideas and you will be inspired. Learning, new ideas and inspiration will lead to a more successful business but could also involve doing some thinking and you might not want that.
We are a pen and paper operation!
No-one does in person networking anymore! It is all social media these days. If you can’t network in 140 characters or less you should have stayed where you belong – the twentieth century. Maybe the first line of this paragraph should read: No-one, except your more successful competitors, does in person networking anymore!
It is in San Antonio and they have all that historical stuff there like the Alamo. Isn't 'historical stuff' a bit European! Besides I don’t like chili and it was invented in San Antonio.
There's an MT guy giving a keynote and I don’t want to be corrupted by this voodoo technology. You have heard that Mike Dillinger is one of the best presenters on MT, has very interesting ideas on using it and knows what he’s talking about. There could be a serious danger of being corrupted.
Your husband/ wife/ partner/ child/ grandmother/ friend’s dog will want to come too. This is true! Live with it!

Peter Reynolds
memoQ co-CEO