Kilgray has just released a major new version. It has lots of new features which will hopefully make using memoQ more productive.
Many memoQ users are far too busy, carefully translating documents to the highest quality to notice this frivolous feature but the other 99.9% regularly press it.
The is what the “Do Not Press This Button” looks like in memoQ 2013:
When you press it, which of course you will not, you see the following fabulous dialog:

As this is memoQ 2013 where everything is incredibly new and fabulous, this is an enhancement on previous versions of this feature. Here is a screenshot from memoQ version 3, released in April 2008:
This feature also comes with a sound and at one stage there was a major bug in a memoQ release when this ‘hoot’ was missing. There were 4042 complaints about the missing ‘hoot’. This was strange as Kilgray had only sold 6 copies of memoQ at that stage.
Kilgray like all translation tool vendors know how to copy from others. This particularly feature comes from Douglas Adam’s radio play, “The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. (Slight confession here. The team at Kilgray are all too young to have heard the radio play and we got it from the book.)
“Arthur Dent: What happens if I press this button?
Ford Prefect: I wouldn't-
Arthur Dent: Oh.
Ford Prefect: What happened?
Arthur Dent: A sign lit up, saying 'Please do not press this button again.”
You will also be very happy to know that this feature, like everything else (almost) in memoQ, has a full design specification.
However you should be warned that neither Kilgray, nor anyone connected with Kilgray nor the estate of Douglas Adams will bear any responsibility for anyone who dares to press the button.
You have been warned!

Peter Reynolds
memoQ co-CEO