Some projects are supposed to be easy, but are not. Your customer has told you that this should be a very simple job, a word file with about 1800 words. You should do it in a day. They even assure you they have opened the file and saw no problems. You then start working on the file happily translating, when three quarters way through you discover there are three other files embedded in the one you have been asked to translate. You get in touch with your customer who contacts the person who requested the translation and the answer comes back that everything is meant to be translated.
memoQ 2014 changes all this!
If you import a Word or any other Office X file it will by default import any embedded objects such as other Office X files. It will import the objects embedded at the first level within the file you import but does not deal with objects which are embedded within an embedded object.
The first thing you will notice when you are importing is that memoQ will automatically detect and import the embedded objects. You can see this on the progress dialog.
memoQ will also add the number of segments to the imported file. If this file had 155 segments and the other files had a total of 523 it will have “155+523” as the number of segments. The total will also be displayed in the line above with the folder information and the number of segments for each file is also listed.
Everything else is as you would expect. After translating the files you can export the file and get a translated file with the embedded objects translated within it. If you are a project manager working on an online project you can assign the embedded files to different translators.
memoQ 21014 will be released in June. There are a lot of interesting features in this new version and we hope highlight some of them in this blog over the next month or so.

Peter Reynolds
memoQ co-CEO