Today we updated Language Terminal to the newest version. Every two months we release a new version that allows you to do more with it than before.
The aim of this release is twofold: first, we wanted to perfect the freelance translators' job management functionality by adding reporting. You can now easily see things like how much you invoiced to a certain customer last month, what's the value of your work in progress, or how much revenue you made on translation, interpreting or subtitling in a certain period of time. This reporting is available in the Projects menu. You can export your reports into PDF and Excel formats.
The other - and probably more important - functionality relates to maintaining and searching for user profiles. First I'd like to ask you to fill in your details: go to the Profile menu and then select Professional, and fill in details like your language pairs, your subject fields, your translation tool usage, your formal training details, and your professional association membership details. You can make the data public, and then your profile becomes searchable - for Language Terminal users. If you want to make it searchable for anyone without registration, go to Profile / Main Profile, and there go to the bottom of the page, and select Visibility: Public.
If you read it carefully, I believe you already concluded that it is also possible to search for users by now. A lot of our customers have asked us to recommend memoQ-savvy translators, and now it is possible to search for such translators. So this is a business opportunity for everyone, but the technology is there also for users of other translation tools.
So come online, log in to your Language Terminal profile at, and update your profile!

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.