By István Lengyel.
And so we have a beta for memoQ 6. We are not going to announce it right here right now, because we don't want to receive the same error reports 25 times, but we already announced it somewhere today. We will wait a few days to hear about the initial glitches, and then open up the beta for more people. In the meantime we roll out the memoQ 6 server beta to a few select servers, wait to see if resource migration and server operations work well, and then allow others to install it too.
It took us almost a full year to deliver memoQ 6. It was the longest waiting period ever, and I believe that some of the buzz about Kilgray's fast pace of development evaporated in the meantime. While memoQ is our most popular system, only about half of our development team works on it. So I believe the rest of our system improvements should not go without noticing either. We still are that good!
Together with memoQ 6, webTrans gets the preview functionality. It is pretty impressive, a real-time preview in a browser environment. I am not completely sure, but I think we're the first in this area as well... Just look how cool it is - real-time as in memoQ!
qTerm also gets five new improvements. When we released the first beta in March, we promised that we would keep on adding functionality, and we kept our word. In April, qTerm got a customizable term per page size and a favorite languages functionality. In June, it gets the following new functionality:
- No authentication public term bases. If you want to publish a term base to the world, you can do it now. Thanks to Enssner Zeitgeist and several other users for the suggestion and the patience.
- Alphabetic navigation. If you want to see all terms that start with the letter R, you can click R and qTerm takes you there. Thanks to Translators International for the suggestion.
- Exporting a subset of the term base defined by a filter. You don't always want to export the entire term base. Set up a filter, and now you can export just the filtered subset.
- URL recognition in pretty print. Just enter a URL and qTerm will recognize that it is an URL and take you there. Pretty good for defining the source of a term.
- Media indication in pretty print. The pretty print term view displays an icon for any media that is uploaded with the term and opens it with a single click.
We sort of kept this low profile so far, but I think it is time to celebrate that Kilgray manages to simultaneously ship a new version of memoQ, a new version of qTerm and a new version of webTrans.
Stay tuned for more memoQ 6 announcements. memoQ 6 and a new version of qTerm and webTrans will all be released on 2 July.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.