We salute a very dear colleague on his tenth work anniversary.
2016 was the year when Kilgray’s founders started to talk about withdrawing – so that Kilgray will not be identified by them, that Kilgray’s success will not depend on their presence.
Still, there is someone in our ranks who joined Kilgray almost as soon it was founded, and definitely earlier than some of the shareholders. And he is someone I will be happy to associate with. Always.
In the headline, I could not resist the reference to the apostle Paul. Because it takes a good deal of faith to take employment at a company that has just been started, and that cannot afford to employ its founders.
I am proud to say that he is still with us. Though I think this is more to his merit than to ours.
He contributed greatly to the way we treat our customers and our partners. Everyone who has ever got in touch with him, however briefly, will remember his dedication and his kindness. And his bad jokes.
I’m speaking of Sándor Papp. Today is the day that he has been with Kilgray for ten years.
For many a long year, he had been the Marketing department of the company. These days he works in a position that he has always excelled at: event management.
He is the mastermind behind memoQfest, which is arguably one of the most successful events in our industry. And he is the one to take good care of our presence at other events.
When you come to memoQfest and have a good time, think of him. When, at another conference, you meet one of us, or go to the booth, or win our raffle – always remember that it would not be possible without Sándor.
Without him, Kilgray would be nowhere near as considerate, attentive and friendly to you as it is today.
Here’s to Sándor. May there be many more years to share the fun.

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