Hurry up and stay home: you don't want to miss us at International Translation Day by And I am not going to say you get a discount, because I am not that pushy.
Something different. My esteemed colleague and brother-in-armsmarketing Sándor helped me out like this when I asked him what he could say about the upcoming virtual conference. At first I was kind of disappointed with the answer (I tend to prefer stories to two-word quips) but then again, it is true: I would like to invite you to an event that is truly something different.
You see, you can attend a great event for free without as much as moving a finger on the 28th, 29th and 30th this September. All of this from your own armchair. Or bed. Or jacuzzi. Or from a lakeside or a forest, or the correction facility of your choice. As it will all be virtual – but still, mostly, very much LIVE! memoQ staff will be waiting for you at our booth at the International Translation Day virtual conference organized by It is something different because you will have the chance to ask your questions and meet my colleagues, developers, product designers, sales personnel – and even Sándor Something-Different himself!
The program starts on the 28th with the Marketing and Recruitment day. This leg of the conference will give you a chance to take a good look at how other translators market themselves, how they move about in our business, how they try to widen their turf. You will be able to meet language service providers, make friends and gather ideas. Our booth will open on that day, and we will be happy to reply your questions if you have any.
Late nights, translating all the time,
and now sleeping seems more like a myth?
If it is hard to get a handle on the work maybe it is time!
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Thursday is the day for CAT tools and software. Since memoQ is the sexiest and most comprehensive tool on the market of computer assisted translation solutions, it is only natural that our place is there. Our most lovable Gábor Ugray, the soul and near-artificial-superintelligence behind the development of nearly everything that is memoQ will have prepared you a great demonstration titled Improving your productivity with memoQ - advanced functions, tips & tricks (click to attend!). We also have an on-demand demonstration in store for you to introduce the features and concepts behind the best CAT tool that even a Babel fish would willingly jump right into a ball of boiling broth for.
The 30th (Friday) is the day of St. Jerome – recognized in a number of Christian traditions as the patron saint of translators due to his scholarly achievements that included the most important revision of the Latin Bible to be based on the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Jerome was a good guy: he set a good example for our trade by working on a mind-blowingly great corpus without as much as a sorry typewriter at those early days. On this day, translators of the world unite and will talk about great and earthly topics at the conference – check out the program, I am certain there will be some exciting lectures coming up for you.
Altogether it seems like an excellent opportunity for networking, too: now, as I am writing this post there are over 7 thousand attendees already registered at the conference. memoQ staff offers you live chat opportunities, instant support and first-hand information on future development.
And to celebrate translators worldwide, we are offering a nice discount on memoQ translator pro – if you decide to participate in the translator group buy organized together with
We are looking forward to meeting you! It will be something different!
The painiting above is by Francisco de Zurbarán – a personal favourite of mine depicting our hero fighting off the memories of dancing girls that sadly remind him of his youthful escapades.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.