Jost Zetsche speaking at memoQfest Americas.
Many people are wondering how Kilgray gets such good speakers for its memoQfest conference.
memoQfest Americas will take place in Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles, California on 27 and 28 February with a memoQ master-class on 1 March 2014. The Keynote speaker for the conference is
Dr. Jost Zetzsche. You are probably thinking that this could not possibly be
The Dr. Jost Zetzsche, translator, writer and translation technology guru. I am sorry if you fell off your chair when you realized that it is indeed that Jost Zetzsche.
How does Kilgray manage to get such a great speakers?
We asked him! Simple as that! Jost spoke at the first memoQfest in 2009 when he was not so famous and neither were we. Since then he and Nataly Kelly have written “
Found in Translation”, his newsletter is one of the most widely read in the translation industry and he is one of the most sought after speakers for translation industry conferences.
Jost’s keynote presentation will be called “
Found in Translation – Lost in Translation Technology”. This is just one of the highlights for the conference. All the presentations will be very focussed and sharp. There will even be a chance to beat up the Kilgray team in the final “User Strikes Back” session.
It would be great to see you in Los Angeles this February. On behalf of Kilgray I would like to wish you a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Jeromobot was not injured in the making of this blog. Well only slightly.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.