memoQ users will be disappointed to hear that the eagerly anticipated memoQ 2014 will not have a “Do not press this button” button.
The Hungarian government has recently become more and more concerned about how they and the country are being represented abroad. Software is becoming one of Hungary’s leading exports and government official had been asked to look at ways to ensure that Hungarian software shows the country in the best possible light. The results of this have been the “április bolondja 2014 act” which forbids software vendors from creating frivolous functionality.
Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, commenting on the new legislation said, “Every Hungarian knows this feeling. You are on holiday abroad and having a pleasant evening in a quiet pub. Then the local comedian finds out you are Hungarian and guess what he starts shouting ‘my hovercraft is full of eels’. This legislation will stop this sort of nonsense.”

The first results of the new legislation will be the removal of two buttons from the new version of memoQ due for release in June. These are the so called “Zen” button and the much loved “Do not press this button”.
Kilgray have objected to this in the strongest possible terms. They are believed to have sent a tweet which condemned the government in no uncertain terms. Although an independent commentator has suggested that sending a tweet saying “Bad show about the buttons” is not the same as condemning the government in no uncertain terms.
Users of memoQ have also pointed out that it was not the only software which had non-productivity features. The difference with memoQ is that in its case the non-productivity aspect of the feature is intentional.
A spokesperson for Monty Python has said they have no sympathy for Kilgray and a button saying “Do not press this button” sounded very much like an old joke.

Peter Reynolds
memoQ co-CEO