As we've mentioned in a previous post (entitled Support 101), at Kilgray support is a big deal. As our team, user base and ticket-log increases in size, so does our knowledge of just how to solve issues big and small. You would expect that with tens of thousands of resolved tickets we would know it all?
Well even though we store all this data, much of it goes unused. Tickets that are simple to resolve (or even avoid) end up taking more time to solve than they deserve. Delay could be caused by communication issues, time difference or an outbreak of nerd-flu. In the end what should have taken you the time to grab a coffee or eat a goulash is going to have to wait until tomorrow.
So there was a brainstorming session, out of which the idea of a knowledge base took shape. It's initial purpose was to help internal communication so that knowledge gained by one member of the team could be easily accessed by everybody else in support. In order to do so, we imported a naive, non-nerd, non-translator intern to manage this new project. Who best can make sure the knowledge is both easy to access and understand than somebody that doesn't have a clue what we're talking about in the first place?
As we defined what this new tool would become we gradually shifted its focus to our users instead. This way, not only will the information be available to our support team, but the people that need that knowledge most can access it directly.
This Knowledge-Base is now available at:
The knowledge base has several type of content that relate to different products and issues. Some of the articles are short tutorials, “how to activate my memoQ license” others are more advanced and extensive.
Now, on to how to use this tool:
The fastest way to find an answer to your question is generally to ask it in the search engine.
If you don't seem to find a useful answer you can also try to search for the answer “manually”, meaning to go look through the folder based structure of the knowledge-base.
Because of the way the structure is based, most articles are referenced more than once.
This means that the article: “Changing the translation's interface's front” can be found under:
Usage / Translation
Information Type / Tutorial
Issue / Workflow (workflow here means the use of the software the way it was meant to be used)
For more technical questions, generally involving errors, pasting the error message into the search engine will typically yield better results than simply entering the symptoms. “Error: memoQ not working properly” will not get you very far as most errors involve memoQ not working properly.
Finally if you can't find that particular piece of information there's always the “ask a question” form.
Although if your inquiry is urgent we encourage you to contact support instead. As much as this tool aims to lower the dependency toward support, is does not replace it, nor do we intend on lowering our support standards in any way. As a result any comments or questions asked in the knowledge-base are prioritized bellow existing tickets.
Of course all visible content and comments will have been reviewed before being published so that the quality of the information available remains upheld
We hope this new tool will be of use to you and encourage feedback as to what kind of content and topics you would like to see there.
Best regards,
Alex Guyot,
Knowledge Management Intern

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.