David Filip, Project Management Officer at Moravia Worldwide published a case study in Multilingual on Kilgray's newest development, the TM Repository.
David Filip, Project Management Officer at Moravia Worldwide published a case study in Multilingual on Kilgray's newest development, the TM Repository.
"Few would argue with the observation that companies are increasingly waking up to the true value of their corporate assets and trying to make the best possible return on them. Translation assets are no exception. As translation memories (TMs) become increasingly valuable and shared and as TMs are shared in a tools-agnostic environment, TM metadata becomes all the more important."
"This case study explains and illustrates the importance of TM metadata on the conceptual level as well as its practical implementation (...) Adoption of Kilgray’s TM Repository has proven to help us know our clients’ TM assets and create relevant asset subsets within hours rather than weeks and months. Thanks to its extensive API, creation of project TMs across tools, product lines, content types and so on can be performed automatically within seconds to minutes as part of a well-engineered automated workflow that uses preset criteria. Let’s look at the typical cases of how companies may manage their translation assets.", says David Filip.

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