Introducing the concept of Linguistic Quality Assurance, measuring the quality of translations becomes easy. Very easy.
Companies can measure the quality of their translations and translation vendors, while translation vendors can give feedback on the translation errors their reviewers marked.
What is LQA useful for?
For translators
- The translator wants to see what errors she committed in the translation, and wants to be able to comment on the errors if she does not agree with the reviewer.
For reviewers
- The reviewer wants to have a consistent model according to which she can rate translations.
- The reviewer wants the help of automated QA tools but wants to make sure that only human-checked errors make it into the evaluation.
For language service providers
- The LSP wants to measure the quality of individual translators or subvendors.
- The LSP wants to substantiate the claim that they are selling on quality.
- The LSP wants to improve the quality of translators.
- The LSP wants to enforce company-specific translation guidelines and evaluate the translators based on how well they follow these guidelines.
For companies
- The company wants to decide on what error types they have in their translations and build a model that allows to measure the specific error types and error severities in the translation.
- The content team wants to report to their bosses about the quality of translations and the return on investment of not choosing the cheapest vendor.
- The content team wants to compare the price-quality ratio of vendors.
- The content team wants to improve the quality of translations by providing feedback to their vendors on their judgement.
- The content team wants to do in-country review in a simple and efficient way (through the web interface).
- The company wants to decide what translation can be released and what not.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.