As the year-end approaches, we thought it might be a good idea to look back for a second. First and foremost, we are very grateful that we had the chance to see most of you in person after a long hiatus. memoQfest 2022 went above and beyond our expectations with over 250 attendees and we hope that you had a great time as we sure did!
We are already working on the next edition of memoQfest which will take place in Budapest, Hungary on June 21-23, 2023. The theme of next year’s event will be “Future-proof your translation business” and if you would like to be among the presenters, feel free to submit your proposals by February 8, 2023 here.
In 2022, we have reached over 100 hours of educational content on memoQ academy, welcomed 200+ new memoQ TMS clients from around the globe, grew by 23% in staff, released 4 memoQ versions with over 20 new features, attended 40+ events, and added 17 new podcast episodes to memoQ talks.
The success of memoQ is credited to its users. We would like to thank you for being part of this year and we are looking forward to seeing you in 2023!