memoQ 6.0 brings new online workflows to make the translation process easier and more transparent.
memoQ 6.0 brings new online workflows to make the translation process easier and more transparent.
FirstAccept™. A group of translators you define will be notified about a translation job. Each can check out the project in read-only mode to decide whether to accept that job or not. The document will be assigned to the first person to accept.
GroupSourcing™. memoQ 6.0 users with the same role can simultaneously edit the same document.
Slicing™. Let memoQ split your document into equal parts based on word- or character count and assign the parts to different translators. They will receive the full document along with the preview, but they will be able to work only on the assigned section.
Subvendor group™. Define users in your memoQ server that are project managers for a vendor, and outsource vendor management to this subvendor. Your subvendor will be able to assign documents, licenses, etc., even if they don’t have a memoQ server. The entire workflow will remain on YOUR memoQ server, although you will not see their translators.
To give a try to memoQ server 6.0, please contact us.
Am I entitled to free upgrades?
memoQ 6.0 is a major new release of memoQ, available free of charge to those who have a valid annual upgrade policy. This automatically includes customers who purchased memoQ after 2 July 2011, or have extended the annual upgrade and maintenance fee beyond 2 July 2012.
You can extend your upgrade and maintenance package in the Kilgray webshop.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.