memoQ 9.6 is live and up again, thank you for your patience! Make sure to download the latest version here.
Some of our users experienced problems with the latest product update of memoQ, which was released a short time ago. We are working to fix the issues as soon as possible – in the meantime, here is what you should know.
What happened?
Based on the reports we have received from some of our users, who had already upgraded to memoQ 9.6, it appears that a bug in our latest release causes memoQ clients and servers to fail to start or to stop working. We can confirm that this has been an internal error and not the result of outside interference.
What this means for you?
In a small number of cases, the bug interferes with translation memory functions, including pre-translation and statistics. This may disrupt operation but does not pose any risk of losing or compromising data. In order to prevent any further problems, we have decided to make memoQ 9.6 unavailable for download until we are confident that the issue is fixed.
How we are fixing it?
It is our highest priority that you can continue working with memoQ smoothly, safely and efficiently. We are very sorry for the inconvenience that this problem has caused. Our efforts are now focused on re-releasing the product and providing a bug fix as quickly as we can.
Watch this space and follow us on social media for updates.
Until the fix arrives, we suggest that you switch to memoQ 9.5. Have you experienced any issues with memoQ 9.6? Let us know – we are here to help!

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.