After 15 July 2011, Kilgray is not accepting memoQ translator standard orders from new users.
After 15 July 2011, Kilgray is not accepting memoQ translator standard orders from new users.
We appreciate that users who have bought the translator standard because it seemed to be a cheap option don’t want to buy a full-priced translator pro version just because we discontinue the standard version. Therefore we offer existing users a nice upgrade path: if you used translator standard before, and it expires, you can buy translator standard again in the webshop if you log in with your username and password. If you buy the translator standard license three times, for three consecutive years, without interruption, your translator standard license will be automatically converted to translator pro after the expiry of three years. This is our thank you to translator standard users. If you want to upgrade earlier, just get in touch with us at and we’ll make you a good offer.
These offers are only valid for uninterrupted extensions of translator standard (i.e. we can’t give you a special deal if your standard license has expired a year ago), and this offer is only available after 15 July.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.