Kommunicera Communications is looking for freelance translators who are either currently using memoQ or are in the process of switching to this tool.
Kommunicera Communications is looking for freelance translators who are either currently using memoQ or are in the process of switching to this tool.
For more information, please contact Anna-Lena Tillberg at: annalena@kommunicera.se and register on our website: http://www.kommunicera.se
Hope to hear from you soon!
The KC memoQ team
About Kommunicera Communications
Kommunicera assists the European export and import industry with translation services and the quality improvement of written information. Our continuous development of intelligent interfaces between different software makes us an attractive alternative. We are a natural choice for companies that don´t want to invest in major systems and those that need to integrate new systems following a merger or consolidation. Long-term growth partnerships with our clients allow us to create added value for them.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.