memoQ blog

Miguel Llorens RIP

Peter Reynolds
Peter Reynolds - 29/09/2012

2 minute read

When I read good tweets I often wish I could have thought of that before they did. When I read great tweets I just laugh. I am sure I was not alone to laugh at Miguel Llorens’ tweets and be impressed by the insights on his blog. 

I had hoped that next week I would be listening to some of Miguel’s insights at TM-Europe but sadly Miguel passed away earlier this month.
There is an argument which many people are making to promote machine translation and that is that there is so much content that it is impossible for it to be translated any other way. Miguel called this the “Content Tsunami”. He was one of the few people writing something different and arguing that there was something ridiculous in this argument that content which is unread in the original language needs to be translated by machines so it can be unread in many other languages.  

Miguel’s blog’s was exceptional, interesting and often very funny. If you have not already read it I strongly recommend you browsing through it. I would also recommend browsing his tweet:   We have a small industry and it needs its’ original thinkers like Miguel.  

“The main question archeologists of the future will have about our civilization: "Why did they have so many goddamned headphones?".”  

“My God, all these vacationing bankers returned to work today and they want me to translate the equivalent of the Baghavad Gita in two hours.”  

“Ha! Finally did it! I replied to an agency query asking them to "please provide your best rate." #HowYouLikeThemApples?”  

-        Miguel Llorens on twitter.
Peter Reynolds

Peter Reynolds

memoQ co-CEO

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