memoQ blog

Mr. Q

Peter Reynolds
Peter Reynolds - 29/06/2011

2 minute read

If you have not already seen Mr. Q please take a look

(Take a look here). I particularly like the way this superhero give out hell to the marketing guys for not telling anyone about some cool feature within memoQ. On Friday last I went to the cinema and saw the latest X-Men film. This left me a bit confused about Mr Q. Until then I had presumed he was a superhero of the ‘Is it a man? Is it a bird? No, it’s a concordance search evangelist!’ type but since then I do not know.

As far as I know there are three different types of superhero. Those born on other planets such as Superman, those who live a perfectly ordinary life until some dramatic accident gives them special powers such as Spiderman and mutants such as the X-Men. What I want to know is which is Mr Q? I think we can rule out the other planet option. Kilgray has never had any sales from Krypton or Betelgeuses 1, 5 or 7. Our extra-terrestrial sales are pretty non-existent. We do not even have a customer in Roswell, New Mexico.

This leaves the possibilities that Mr Q is either a superhero or a mutant. My feeling is that he is almost definitely maybe an X-Man. It is the first comic strip which gives it away. Did you notice that until Mr Q touched the laptop the back of the computer was plain grey and after he touched it there was a ‘Q’ logo. Kilgray simply is not rich enough to use two laptops in the one cartoon strip so something very powerful must have happened. Another thing which gives him away is his obsession with memoQ 5. If he was a superhero he would more cool about these new features.
Kilgray is too young to have old days but if we did we could remember that in the old days we used to have a policy of not developing features which could not be explained in three sentences or less. Now we do not develop features which cannot be explained in one frame of a cartoon of Mr Q making his way to classes with Charles Xavier or whatever. Version control, track changes, term extractor, babel fish, cascading filters and source content connectors. All new memoQ 5 features and all can be explained in one frame of a Mr Q cartoon or less. Actually we did not develop a babel fish as we could not explain how this leech like thing works with surrounding brainwaves in less than 3 sentences.

One final point the release candidate for memoQ 5 will be available very soon. I suspect our wannabe X-Man will have something to say about this.

Peter Reynolds

Peter Reynolds

memoQ co-CEO

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