By Peter Reynolds.
Kilgray is still at the stage where our customers are very nice and polite about things we don’t do well. The core competence of Kilgray is developing software for translation. Our software is good and we are still working hard to improve it. Training is an area where we have been struggling to improve for some time. This is not our core competence and no one at Kilgray would make the claim that we are the best trainers for memoQ. Our improvements in how we provide training have been incremental and slow. Until now! The train the trainer event we have announced for Wiesbaden, Germany on October 21 & 22 (just after the tekom conference) is a very important improvement. Anyone who has been to memoQfest or attended a recent train the trainer event will know how good a memoQ trainer, AngelikaZerfaß is. She is part of the Loctimize team and Angelika and Daniel Zielinski have come up with an approach which will professionalize the training of memoQ trainers. Unlike Kilgray, the core competence of Loctimize is training. They have ensured that we are more focussed on who the train the trainer event is for, what the trainers get out of the course and what happens during the course. When Kilgray started train the trainer events we took the view that those who would attend know all about training and our role was to ensure that they have a deep understanding of memoQ. The October train the trainer event takes a very different approach. When planning this event, Daniel and Angelika kept asking us what we wanted to get out of this. The answer was obvious we want people who can run courses to train others in memoQ. However, that answer dictates preparing and running the course in a very different way than before. The course will cost more than our previous courses but we believe that the value which trainers will get out of it will be a lot more. You can find out more information on this course on our website:

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.