Work faster, better, easier! memoQ trainings in the UK on 4-5 November, 2011
Work faster, better, easier! memoQ trainings in the UK on 4-5 November, 2011
- memoQ for Beginners 4th November 2011
- memoQ Intermediate 5th November 2011
The use of translation memory systems has become a pressing reality for nearly all translators. Often they are a prerequisite for certain assignments. If we use them right, they can enable us to work faster, more consistently, and also more easily. In our upcoming series of NWTN Training Events our experienced trainer Lone Beheshty will help us get started with memoQ, and then guide us to taking our proficiency to the next level. We will be looking at typical workflows, project planning, file conversions, compatibility between translation memory systems, terminology management, spellchecking, proofreading, and many other useful functions.
The workshops will take place at the YHA in Manchester from 9.45 am - 4.30 pm, and include refreshments and lunch. Each full-day workshop costs only £50.00 for NWTN and ITI members (£35.00 for student members). You cannot get better or cheaper training!
The workshops are limited to 12 participants, so please book early to avoid disappointment!
For more information and to book your place, please contact NWTN Training Coordinator Heidi Kerschl,

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.