Kilgray has introduced the ability to share TMs (translation memory) and termbases. This functionality makes it possible to create a TM or termbase on Language Terminal and share them with three other people. By Peter Reynolds.
December is a month where its gets colder and darker. You have probably found your winter coat, gloves and scarf a month or so ago but in December you really need them. For many Christmas and the New Year mean that this is a time when instead of thinking of the cold we are thinking of the forthcoming celebration. One of the great things about this celebration is giving each other gifts and that sense of sharing which is present at this time.
It is just a coincidence that Kilgray has introduced the ability to share TMs (translation memory) and termbases during this season of sharing but a nice coincidence. This functionality makes it possible to create a TM or termbase on Language Terminal and share them with three other people. When working with a TM you can import up to 50,000 segments and you can give one of the people you share with write access to the TM. You can share up to two termbases with up to 5 languages.
The idea for introducing this came after a number of translators asked for a version of memoQ server or memoQ cloud server. When we talked to them about what exactly they wanted to do, the biggest single benefit they wanted was to be able to share TMs with colleagues. This was seen as something which could have a lot of benefit within small groups working on similar projects.
One thing we would like to stress is that Kilgray will use the TMs for linguistic research. If you use this functionality we will use the TM in order to improve our language technology. Our intention is to use the data to extract linguistic patterns. We will not be sharing it with any third parties. If you do not want us to use your TMs for research or do not have rights to them you should not share them through Language Terminal. However, if you do share your TMs with us it will help improve the tools which you use.
Next year we intend publishing an API which will allow other tool to access a TM or termbase stored on Language Terminal.
My coleague, Lexie Sabota, explains how TM and termbase sharing works on Language Terminal is the video below.
This is a new departure for Kilgray and we are very much interested in your feedback.

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