memoQ blog

Sharing Terminology using Language Terminal

memoQ - 15/01/2015

4 minute read

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With the memoQ 2014 R2 release we have introduced the ability to share translation memories and termbases through Language Terminal. In this post I will take you through the steps involved in creating a termbase on Language Terminal, importing a memoQ CSV file and sharing this term base.
To create your term bases on Language Terminal go to Resources and the select Term bases.
Language Terminal - Term bases

Select the Add new button and then select “Get started: Create your first term base”.

Create your first term base
You then give your term base a name and add languages. You can add up to five languages in a shared term base.

Term base - name

When you create your term base you will see it listed under My term bases.

My term bases

To import a memoQ CSV file you select the second button under Actions, Import CSV file. You then simply have to select the file and press OK.

Note 1: At present Language Terminal expects you to import the CSV file in the format used by memoQ.

Note 2: By importing a CSV file, your TB can grow to 50,000 entries. If the TB becomes larger than 50,000 entries during the import, the import will be aborted, but the imported entries will be preserved.

Import term base
You will see the status listed as “Importing” when the term base is being imported.

Status: Importing

To share a term base with another Language Terminal user select the share button, this is the first button under Actions.

Share term base

You can then enter the name of the user you want to share with and Language Terminal will return a list of matching users. You select the user you would like to share with and select whether you want to give them update or lookup rights.

You can share a term base with up to 3 users and one of them can have update rights.

Select user

You will then see the term base listed as being shared with another user.
Term bases shared with me

When you decide to share a term base with another user they will be notified you want to share the term base with them and they can decide to accept, reject or dismiss this.

Acept - Reject - Dismiss
If they accept it they will see the term base in a list called: “Term bases shared with me”.

Accept term base

To use a Language Terminal term base within memoQ you must have memoQ connected with your Language Terminal account. You can do this by selecting memoQ from the ribbon and selecting My memoQ.

To choose the term base go to the Term bases tab. The last item on the term bases ribbon is a drop down box where you can select the memoQ server you are working with. You should select Language Terminal here.

Resources - Term bases

You will then see your Language Terminal term bases and can access them.

The following video explains how to share both translation memories and term bases through Language Terminal.

Please note that the service is free of charge, but we reserve the right to extract linguistic patterns from such materials. Your confidential materials will not be disclosed to third parties.



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