memoQ Adriatic has introduced a change that was welcome by many – but also had its fair share of criticism. Capitalization: how shall we do it best?
Shift+F3. The key combination that saves time for us when we need to capitalize text in various applications. memoQ has been no different: the combo worked in previous memoQ versions the same way as in many other applications. Like this:
Shift+F3 – the first time the function gets rid of the first capitalization instance:
Shift+F3 – the second time it capitalizes the first letters of the entire selection:
Shift+F3 – the third time the entire selection:
With the standard hotkeys you will capitalize all the letters in three steps. One problem you can sometimes run into with standard hotkeys is when you accidentally press the key combination again – which effectively means you have to do the entire sequence again from the beginning. This can mean six Shift+F3 presses instead of the required three. Or more, depending on how much of a hurry you are in.
Now, Adriatic introduced a change with ergonomics in mind. After interviews with users, the developer in charge decided that in Adriatic, the function will now work like this, after pressing Shift+F3:
As you can see, the idea was to introduce a roll-down menu where you can either select the desired capitalization with the mouse (one step plus a mouse click), or you can use the arrow keys (four steps). The win in the last case is obviously that we can avoid accidents when we unintentionally press the hotkeys one too many times.
The first use case is a net win-win, as you reduce the number of steps with two. The second case is only a limited win as the number of steps needed to get to complete capitalization is four – but you can avoid accidents, as you now see exactly what version is highlighted.
While many users welcomed the change, others were skeptical and asked us to get rid of this function and get back to the old way of using the hotkey. Now, there are a couple of ways to help those who feel the function is an overkill – therefore we would like to know your opinion. Please, take a look at the poll below and pick your desired operation:
Create your own user feedback survey
This poll will be open until the 17th of March 2017. We will collect your input and will adjust the operation according to your preferences.

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