By István Lengyel.
Recently we have heard the criticism a few times that Kilgray does not support translators so much anymore, and only concentrates on the "big money". Frankly, we feel it is undeserved criticism, but there is no easy way to respond to this. It is true that we have concentrated on getting large features right, and this has prevented us from implementing a myriad of smaller features that were requested by freelance translators. However, since the very beginning of the Kilgray story we have planned all versions with the intention to provide a balanced value to translators, language service providers and enterprises. This is even translated into "Impact" columns for every group in our product planning - they can be S, M, and L. No version can go out without an L impact for each groups.
We were debating internally what to do to counter these claims, and Gergely came up with a brilliant idea: having a series of webinars where we show freelance translators why the development of server features are actually benefiting freelancers. A big amount of development went into allowing translators to work more conveniently, faster, etc., against servers. For example, we came up with the server projects with desktop documents. This allows translators to work offline while the project manager has all the possibilities of an online project. While this may seem a project management feature, in reality the person that benefits the most is the translator. I could also name other features where we gave freedom to the translators.
Among our September webinars, you will find this webinar ( which I believe will show a very interesting angle of development - it will be about the server, but to translators, rather than companies. We are also introducing other new webinars such as the webinar about the content connectors which is a brand new area of memoQ. You will also find some of the oldie but goldie webinars. Do attend some of these, as this is the best way to communicate with us.
And we also decided to invite translation companies to talk about themselves and invite translators who use memoQ to work with them. This is going to be a webinar series, the first one taking place on 27 September, and freelancers can learn more about these companies before starting to work with them. If you are interested in presenting your company and recruit translators, and are a memoQ user, please contact Sándor Papp.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.