Thanks from all Kilgray for our second Deloitte Fast50.
Deloitte have just announced the regional winners of their
Fast50 awards. Kilgray are very pleased to have got 13
th place in the Central European Fast 50 and 2
nd in Hungary. Kilgray were placed 23
rd last year. Deloitte make this award on the basis of how fast your revenues are increasing over a five year period. Kilgray started in 2005 but it was not until 2008 that our sales started to grow significantly. In 2012 we were placed 23
rd in the Central European region with a growth of 655%. This year we were placed 13
th with a growth of 803%. I believe this success is more significant than last year’s as we had lower revenues in 2008 so the growth to 2011 would be relatively high.
The reason why we have done better this year is simply that many of you have bought our software. We would like to thank you for this. Is a great honour that so many are willing to make our software the main tool for their work. The Deloitte award is nice. However, I recently met someone at a social event who when she heard I worked with Kilgray said that memoQ had not just helped them become more productive, they got more business by showing prospects how they use this tool. Our customers telling us that memoQ is making them more successful is an even better award.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.