By Sándor Papp. When I started to update my profile this morning, I opened my CV and realized that this is my 4th year at Kilgray. WOW. During these years we have released many new versions of memoQ, brand new products, attended and organized many conferences, had very hard times with tight deadlines, but I have to confess, the last few weeks were the hardest at Kilgray so far.
Releasing memoQ 5.0, organizing roadshows in 3 countries, attending 10 events – another ‘WOW’. And if you think it is getting over now, well… As the end of the year approaches, we will attend more conferences, we have many other webinars and secret weapons in store. A third ‘WOW’.
Follow Kilgray on Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and visit the Kilgray website regularly. Stay tuned for many other WOWs. Mr. Q will be back soon, too.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.