One of the things which I really like about Asia Online is the emphasis on clean data and on getting the engine configured for the customer. memoQ is integrated with their Language Studio technology in a different way to our integrations with other MT engines.
These work as plugins for memoQ which send segments to an MT engine and the results are presented in the translation results boxes. Asia Online’s workflow is based on using Language Studio to machine translate the document and then post-edit it.
In order to see Asia Online functionality within memoQ server you need to have an account with Asia Online and the server has to have a license key available from Kilgray.
Once you have your Asia Online account using it within memoQ is simple! The project to be translated must be an online project. Log on to your memoQ server, select the project right-click and select manage.
In the translation tab select the document you want to send to Asia Online. The link is highlighted in yellow above. The Asia Online Job Sumission dialog box which is shown below appears.

One of the cool things which memoQ has introduced in the last year and it is possible to get memoQ to create a snapshot of the file. You can instruct memoQ to create a snapshot before and after the file is sent to Asia Online. To send the documents to Asia Online you just have to click the submit job button.
When the file is returned from Asia Online the translator can use memoQ to post-edit the file.

Peter Reynolds
memoQ co-CEO