Check out what Milengo translators had to say about memoQ.
"...As we’ve been using memoQ for a while now, we wanted to get feedback from our translators to find out how it’s been received, since it’s a departure from the translation management tools of old like TRADOS and Idiom World Server. We asked our translators what they liked, what they didn’t, and how easy it was to make the switch from other translation tools to memoQ. memoQ, the relatively new kid on the block, is what we translators here like the most. User-friendly GUI, online projects, offline synchronization option, communication window, easy-to-use and edit translation memories and term-bases, live docs, great customization options, wonderful customer support..."
Read the whole blog entry by here.

memoQ is among the world's leading translation management systems. The favorite productivity tool for translation professionals around the globe.