Localization continues to lean more heavily on MT, primarily driven by a desire for cost savings. And in response, memoQ continues to innovate, finding ways to minimize and eliminate even more cost factors.
Here are some of the improvements we have made to memoQ 9.4.
Segment exclusion with Microsoft MT plugin
Imagine you have a segment that contains, say, only product codes or other non-translatable content. Or imagine that there are so many tags in a segment that you know the quality of the machine translation is going to be poor.
In situations like these, sending those segments to the MT engine just doesn’t make sense. And that’s where the new segment exclusion feature comes in.
Now, users can define when not to send any such segments to the Microsoft MT engine, an option that was previously only available for the Google MT plugin. This means that memoQ won’t produce any MT results for these segments during pre-translation, nor will it display MT results on the Translation Results pane during manual translation. This new feature will help cut down on needless – and costly – corrections during the post-editing machine translation (PEMT) process.
Intento MT: ditching glitches and fixing tags
For many users, the Intento MT plugin has been a godsend. An MT aggregator, Intento channels translation requests to a range of MT engines. What’s more, it offers a service known as Smart Routing. Not sure which MT engine would be the best fit for your job? Smart Routing can help.
With memoQ 9.4, not only is the design of Intento MT more straightforward and user-friendly, a lot of the kinks have also been ironed out.
- Issues with translating tagged documents have been fixed. Now tags are correctly processed by MT providers that support XML.
- Thanks to a server version update, Smart Routing glitches have been eliminated.
- The Intento plugin now supports HTTP proxies for those users with specific security requirements or network restrictions.
- Performance has been improved in case of unstable operation on the MT engine.
Want to run unsigned private MT plugins on server? Go for it
Integrating private MT plugins used to be cumbersome and time-consuming. A developer would have to reach out to memoQ, which then provided a signed key. After that, development and testing had to be done on a custom-build version until the signed key entered the product. Like we said, cumbersome and time-consuming.
Those days are gone. Now, integrating private MT plugins is a breeze, and they can be developed and tested independently from the memoQ team.
Last but by no means least: Tilde update
The Tilde MT plugin specializes in Baltic and Slavic languages and their most relevant language pairs (German, English, Arabic). In its latest release, 9.4, memoQ has made a small but important update in code handling, mostly related to Norwegian.

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